Black Meteoric Star - Dominatron b/w Anthem 12"

Black Meteoric Star - Dominatron b/w Anthem 12"


12" Vinyl Single

Black Meteoric Star is the latest project by longtime DFA alumni Gavin Russom. The project is inspired equal parts Euro-disco, wonky early electronic body music from America's Midwest and an always present fascination with the outer reaches of global psychedelic rock. Gavin Russom began the recordings for Black Meteoric Star sometime in 2006. It was at this time that Carl Craig remixed Delia Gonzalez & Gavin Russom's single "Relevee", making it one of the years biggest dance club anthems. Three vinyl 12" singles by Black Meteoric Star will be released on DFA Records with extended original versions in 2009 along with a full self-titled CD that edits and compiles all six singles. There will be an edition of 100 of each 12" hand stamped and accompanied by a series of posters also designed by Russom. These releases will follow a narrative line and the six pieces of music tell a story of clubbing and the long journey through the night and into the next day. In this project, Russom carries his ability to create rich sonic landscapes to the dance floor using minimal but intense arrangements and high-energy repetition. 

The second single "Dominatron / Anthem" takes place after midnight. The animal energy encountered in "World Eater" is released and splits itself into female and male parts. This 12" is the story of their struggle for power over one another. "Dominatron" is the feminine side and "Anthem" is the masculine side. As in a possession ritual, each side appears and does its dance. Rhode Island native Gavin Russom now lives and works in Berlin. He has produced many remixes recently, including a new single by Croatian techno artist Petar Dundov, New York's avant garde duo Palms and a remix featured on the upcoming soundtrack for the remake of the movie Tron.


A - Dominatron

B - Anthem